For more than 25 years, Erik held positions up to boardroom level in global compagnies and led successful transformations. He has a good understanding what it makes an organisation tick after working at Factories, Sales Offices and Headquarters in different countries. He had leading roles in turning around poor performing organisations, in building alliances, in acquisitions, in developing a European company into the global leader, in launching new products worldwide, in building networks with universities, in mentoring young professionals.
Through his own professional journey, working internationally with multi-disciplinary teams, he discovered that the success of the transformation is always within the people themselves. He believes in the power of every individual. That organisations excel when people can truly contribute with their knowlegde, expertise and passion in a safe environment.
In 2019 Erik founded The Key Co., which helps people, teams and organisations to unlock their full potential. The Key Co. facilitates the “why, what, how and its implementation” through tailored trainings, workshops and coaching sessions. This ensures that good intentions are converted into sustainable results.
Erik works with leaders who are willing to develop themselves and the people around them. They are people who seek challenging goals, who dare to enter untested waters, and who want to create a lasting impact. Leaders who know that there is so much potential to unlock but are unable to do that.
Erik is also a proud husband, father of two girls, tries to master the guitar, loves travelling, history and participating in sports.
Per 1 juni 2024 start ArbingerNL geen nieuwe trajecten meer op basis van de Arbinger materialen in Nederland. Met bestaande klanten ronden we af wat loopt. Arbinger US gaat zelf zorg dragen voor eventuele Mindset trajecten in Nederland. Via kun je contact met ze opnemen.
De 2 bedrijven die de afgelopen 7 jaar samen ArbingerNL hebben gerund, Gooiconsult ( ) en Ownpower ( ), continueren hun werk rondom leiderschapsontwikkeling en cultuurtransformatie zoals we dat al vele jaren doen, voortaan dus zonder gebruik van de Arbinger materialen. Echter alle kennis en kunde is uiteraard nog steeds aanwezig, zij het dan nu in een andere vorm. Neem gerust contact op om met ons af te stemmen hoe we je kunnen supporten bij de beweging waar je voor staat.
Met hartelijke groet van Marjanke Edeling van Ownpower en Rick de Rijk van Gooiconsult
Voor direct contact bel Marjanke op 06 51243612 ( ) en Rick op 06 22677422 ( )